Building Capacities with ACE Day | 4th Capacity-building Hub

 in collaboration with CliMates.

Tuesday, 15th November 2022




The 4th Capacity-building Hub’s Building Capacities with Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) Day at COP27 accentuated the global experiences and best practices of diverse stakeholders by exemplifying the weaving of multiple forms of knowledge and showcasing capacity-building efforts from local community-based work to international networking that expedites learning for climate action.  


The thematic day brought audiences examples of youth empowerment, climate adaptation, gender equality, partnership establishment, and energy transition from collaborations around the world as outlined below. 

  • Renewable Energy Solutions for Africa Foundation (RES4Africa) shared its sustainable solutions to amplify youth voice and women’s roles in just energy transition of Africa.  

  • Digital Storytellers and CliMates exhibited hands-on skills for telling effective climate stories to enhance capacity building and showcase indigenous knowledge and youth climate actions across the world.   

  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) and UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) shared their collaborative efforts on climate adaptation capacity building practices among different stakeholders through three components: bridging adaptation knowledge to action, closing adaptation knowledge gaps in subregions and countries, and building youth capacity for climate action through city-university partnerships.  

  • The Climate Long Game demonstrated a simulation game for climate education and energy transition among stakeholders to build capacity for climate action.  

  • Collaboration of four organizations: UN High-level Champion; Action for Sustainable Development; Avaaz; and Fridays for Future MAPA focused on amplifying urgency to address shrinking civic space and advocating the best examples of citizen actions.  

  • Future Leaders Network through their Youth Negotiator Programme & the Ministry of Environment – Dominican Republic shared their progress undertaken to strengthen multilateral foreign policy negotiating capacity.

  • UNFCCC, in conjunction with the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition, has jointly devoted to youth capacity-building on climate change through the Youth4Capacity initiative and their participation in decision-making process of climate policies. 

  • The NDC Partnership advanced the collective understanding of ACE and its significance in NDC implementation, and presented statistics of ACE-related capacity building activities from its Country Members.  

The projects undertaken in Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) drive for inclusive climate action through climate education and public awareness, training, public participation and access to information, and international cooperation on those areas concerning intergenerational equity, youth participation in decision-making, and gap between the North and the South.  

While looking into the sharing sessions on the Building Capacities with ACE Day at the Capacity-building Hub, the following similarities can contribute to acquiring a quick understanding of climate adaptation, resilience and mitigation efforts made.  

  • Global alliance partners for capacity building help to generate a catalyst that ignites transnational and interdisciplinary collaborations and mobilizes social resources internationally to narrow the understanding gap of capacity building between Global South and Global North. All work designed and implemented sheds light on the importance and necessity of frequent climate stakeholder engagement at national, regional and global levels.  

  • Spotlight shining on indigenous knowledge and First Nations expertise brings about introspection among key stakeholders at all levels for the nexus of traditional practices and technological approaches on climate adaptation and resilience strategy.   

  • Enhancing intent-oriented and impact-oriented relationships and their coevolutionary impacts in climate action requires technology-based solutions and diversified edutainments to better train participants with more effective interaction and handy toolkits. 

  • Intergenerational equity and youth empowerment in participative decision-making provide a more inclusive and dynamic culture for climate policies that broadly resolves needs of more stakeholders.  

Time Title Organizer


Opening of the Day

Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB), CliMates


Youth Empowerment for Driving African Energy Transition

Renewable Energy Solutions for Africa Foundation (RES4Africa)


Storytelling for Climate Action - COP27 and Beyond

CliMates, Digital Storytellers & Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander International Engagement Organisation (ATSIIEO)



Capacities for a Changing Climate: Insights and learning from 3 global initiatives


UNEP & Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA)


The Climate Long Game: gamifying climate education for action at scale

The Climate Long Game


Future Lab: The Future of Citizen Action

Un High-level Champions, Action for Sustainable Development, Avaaz, Fridays for Future MAPA


Training the next generation of climate change negotiators

Ministry of Environment - Dominican Republic & Future Leaders Network, delivering the Climate Youth Negotiator Programme


Youth4Capacity - Once upon a time... capacity-building stories for climate action



Accelerating NDC Implementation Through ACE

NDC Partnership


Wrap-up of the Day

Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB), CliMates